RDA Deutschland Tagung 2019

Presentation of a poster at the conference "RDA Deutschland Tagung 2019" at the German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam (GFZ), 19. - 20.02.2019:

Semantic Linking of Research Data Publications: Contributing to the FAIRification of Metadata Records – A Proof of Concept

Marius Michaelis, Günther Neher, Tobias Höhnow, Bernd Ritschel

WDCOSF Vocabulary Broker System transferred to new domain

The WDCOSF Vocabulary Broker System has been transferred  from the World Data Center for Geomagnetism at Kyoto University to Potsdam/Germany. The System is now hosted at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, faculty of Information Science. The new URL is: tradutor humano gato no ios. Many thanks to Toshihiko Iyemori for the continuing support over the last few years !

UAT vocabulary Updated to Version 2.0

The UAT Thesuarus Vocabulary used in WDCOSF has been updated to Version UAT-2.0 (original release date 2017-01-31). The vocabulary mappings of WDCOSF have also been updated accordingly.

Following is an excerpt from the original release notes, concerning the changes in UAT 2.0 (see: astrothesaurus.org/version-2-0-0-of-the-unified-astronomy-thesaurus/ ):

"Overview of Changes

Integration of GEMET Thesaurus

For the current WDCOSF-Demonstrator we omitted GEMET-Themes and GEMET-Supergroups and used only a subset of GEMET-Groups of the GEMET-Thesaurus in SKOS-Format, as dowloadable from https://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/latest/gemet.rdf.gz. Date of Download: 01.07.2017. For use in the context of WDCOSF, we only kept the english labels and descriptions.

Japanese version of DBpedia abstracts added

As a slight improvement japanese translations of available DBpedia abstracts were added for the vocabulary terms as well as the source for those abstracts. See e.g. http://wdcosf.fh-potsdam.de/resources/spase-heliosphere/

Update of Search Results page

To improve user experience we modified the presentation of search results when performing a "Concept Search". Instead of just displaying the Concept keyword, we now show additional context information like the keyword scheme to which the term belongs (GCMD, SPASE, ESPAS or UAT respectively), a short definition of the term if available from the vocabulary maintainers, and direct links to <skos:relatedMatch> or <skos:closeMatch> keywords from other vocabularies, if they exist.

Integration of UAT vocabulary

The domain-oriented Unified Astronomy Thesaurus vocabulary is based on concepts which are also used in neighboring domains, such as geophysics, especially magnetic field research, near earth-space exploration and solar-terestrial physics. The space weather and space climate domains are coverd by UAT concepts too. Therefore we think, the integration of the UAT vocabulary into the Vocabulary Broker is a benefit for astronomers but also geo and space scientists.

Update of GCMD Keywords

The keywords from the Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) included in the WDCOSF Vocabulary Broker System were updated and expanded using the downloadable SKOS files available from http://gcmdservices.gsfc.nasa.gov/static/kms/ (date of download: 2016-07-15).

Incorporated into the WDCOSF Vocabulary Broker System are now:

Feasability test: Integration of context-sensitive SPARQL query to DBPedia

Background: One central goal of the WDCOSF vocabulary broker is to virtually integrate research data from different scientific projects - IUGONET, ESPAS-FP7, ISDC - and possibly others in the future in a scalable manner by means of the Linked Data paradigm.

Vocabulary Mapping Algorithm updated

The algorithm for the alignment of the 3 vocabularies ESPAS, SPASE and GCMD Science Keywords has been updated.


The connection <skos:relatedMatch> between Concepts has been implemented by means of the following heuristics:


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